Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Analysis 2

This genre of music is focused more on the heavy metal but still includes pop punk. The headline 'we predict a riot' and 'brits on the rampage' tell us that the bands that are featured on the front page, together are quite rebellious. The band's facial expressions and the club that one of the band members are holding also tell us this. The white, grey and yellow colours contrast quite well on the picture of the bands. This magazine would be aimed at the age 15 - 24 as this also presents rebellious attitueds and would not be suitable for the younger age.

The contrast between the white writing on the black background, makes the contents page stand out, also the band at the bottom is in black and white. This page is quite spaced out and only names the important pages.

This double page is about a band talking about their new album that is just presented, there are quite a few of these throughout the rocksound magazine. At the end of the text, rocksound give each member the chance to say what they think about their album.  This double page also has the white writing on black background which makes it stand out.

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