Tuesday 9 November 2010

Analyis 3

This magazine genre moves away from the rock/metal, and is more towards indie music, although there is still abit of rock music as, 'greenday' are on the front cover of this issue. The colours that are used on this cover are yellow,black, red and blue, these colours suit the genre of music that is presented.  The cover isn't cluttered but it isn't really spread out.

On the contents page, the colours contrast altogether including colours such as: yellow, white, green, purple, red and dark green. It is very crowded but creates an effect that it attracts people to read it. The pictures make it more interesting and to make the page not look boring instead of all writing.

This double spread is about this band and how their last gig went, also on the right hand side there are three other bands that the magazine are talking about. The white, blue and black colour contrast quite well. As one side of the spread is covered by a picture this means that there is less writing.

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