Monday, 20 December 2010
Friday, 17 December 2010
Thursday, 16 December 2010
Monday, 13 December 2010
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Contents Page Article Ideas
- Your meets & greets
send in pictures of famous artists you have met!
- Anytime Forever Exclusive
interview with the hottest new band
- Black Veil Brides Hit The UK
black veil brides first time in the UK tour with Murderdolls
- Blink 182 Sell Out Tour
blink 182's tours all sold out
- Win a chance to meet Paramore
enter our competition to meet paramore
- Bring Me The Horizon, Parkway Drive, Architects and The Devil Wears Prada Tour
the gig everybody is talking about
- Tragedy for We Are The Ocean
gigs with the blackout are cancelled as we are the ocean suffer from a car crash
- Local New Band
send us details about your band and we may feature you
- 30 seconds to mars Manchester
news from 30 seconds to mars's gig in Manchester
- The Friday Night Boys Split Up
Andrew Goldstein lead singer of the friday night boys talk about their split up
send in pictures of famous artists you have met!
- Anytime Forever Exclusive
interview with the hottest new band
- Black Veil Brides Hit The UK
black veil brides first time in the UK tour with Murderdolls
- Blink 182 Sell Out Tour
blink 182's tours all sold out
- Win a chance to meet Paramore
enter our competition to meet paramore
- Bring Me The Horizon, Parkway Drive, Architects and The Devil Wears Prada Tour
the gig everybody is talking about
- Tragedy for We Are The Ocean
gigs with the blackout are cancelled as we are the ocean suffer from a car crash
- Local New Band
send us details about your band and we may feature you
- 30 seconds to mars Manchester
news from 30 seconds to mars's gig in Manchester
- The Friday Night Boys Split Up
Andrew Goldstein lead singer of the friday night boys talk about their split up
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
These pictures are from past gigs i have been too, they include bands and meet&greets, i may use some of these on my cover, contents page and double page spread.
Oli Sykes - Bring Me The Horizon Leeds Cockpit
Oli Sykes - Bring Me The Horizon Leeds Cockpit
Josh Franceschi - You Me At Six Leeds O2 Academy
Kenneth Nixon - Framing Hanley Leeds Cockpit
Davey Richmond - Glamour Of The Kill Leeds Cockpit
Hayley Williams - Paramore Manchester MEN Arena
All Time Low - Leeds University
Mosh Pit - The Ringside
Audience - The Ringside
Kenneth Nixon Meet & Greet - Framing Hanley Leeds Cockpit
David Winter Bates Meet & Greet - Bury Tomorrow Leeds Cockpit
Sonny Lang Watson VIP - Twenty Twenty Sheffield Academy
Jack Fisher on stage with Oli Sykes - Bring Me The Horizon Leeds Cockpit
Max Helyer meet & greet - You Me At Six Slamdunk
Daniel Winter Bates meet&greet - Bury Tomorrow Leeds Cockpit
A Skylit Drive meet&greet - Leeds Cockpit
Twenty Twenty VIP - Sheffield Academy
Monday, 22 November 2010
My magazine will be published once every two weeks, this is because other magazines are normally either every week or once a month. The price of my magazine will be £1.80, because the people that the magazine are targeted at, can afford this.
The audience for my magazine is for male and females, and the age group would be 15 - 24. People who would by this magazine would be the ones who are unemployed or Semi-skilled manual workers, and unskilled manual workers.
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Analyis 3
This magazine genre moves away from the rock/metal, and is more towards indie music, although there is still abit of rock music as, 'greenday' are on the front cover of this issue. The colours that are used on this cover are yellow,black, red and blue, these colours suit the genre of music that is presented. The cover isn't cluttered but it isn't really spread out.
On the contents page, the colours contrast altogether including colours such as: yellow, white, green, purple, red and dark green. It is very crowded but creates an effect that it attracts people to read it. The pictures make it more interesting and to make the page not look boring instead of all writing.
This double spread is about this band and how their last gig went, also on the right hand side there are three other bands that the magazine are talking about. The white, blue and black colour contrast quite well. As one side of the spread is covered by a picture this means that there is less writing.
Analysis 2
This genre of music is focused more on the heavy metal but still includes pop punk. The headline 'we predict a riot' and 'brits on the rampage' tell us that the bands that are featured on the front page, together are quite rebellious. The band's facial expressions and the club that one of the band members are holding also tell us this. The white, grey and yellow colours contrast quite well on the picture of the bands. This magazine would be aimed at the age 15 - 24 as this also presents rebellious attitueds and would not be suitable for the younger age.
The contrast between the white writing on the black background, makes the contents page stand out, also the band at the bottom is in black and white. This page is quite spaced out and only names the important pages.
This double page is about a band talking about their new album that is just presented, there are quite a few of these throughout the rocksound magazine. At the end of the text, rocksound give each member the chance to say what they think about their album. This double page also has the white writing on black background which makes it stand out.
Analysis 1
The kerrang magazine music genre ranges from pop punk, to heavy metal using a variety of different ones. The audience to buy this tends to be from the age 14 - 23, this is because Kerrang use language that is not suitable for younger people and the attitude of the artists may give children rebelious ideas. The band on the front overlapping the masthead 'KERRANG' gives an effect that you can still understand what it says and it contrasts. The photo of Bring Me The Horizon, looks like they are laid back.
This contents page stands out because the yellow on black title is a different colour to the background, also the important titles for the different pages are highlighted like the contents title. The page is quite cluttered with pictures and text, the pictures make the page less boring and easier to find what page you would like to look at.
This double page spread is to tell us about a concert that had happened recently, and a few pictures to show us the atmosphere. In the bottom left hand corner, a reader is asked what they thought about the gig. Under were it says Avenged Sevenfold, there is four K's this is Kerrangs rating of gigs instead of stars. The black writing on the white background makes it easier for us to read.
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